March Update – Important Upcoming GitGud Changes

March Update – Important Upcoming GitGud Changes

The end of March is here (and past) already and we’re posting and update post to catch you all up with what’s new and what’s about to happen.

Upcoming April changes with GitGud

  • We’re going to stop sign ups on starting April 15th.
  • They will come back online with our new account system shortly after. Sign ups will not be disabled longer than April 31st.
  • We need this time to migrate the data into our new SSO accounts system.
  • 2 Factor Authentication is going away temporarily, but will come back when implemented in our new account system. Potentially different/better.
  • Log in with Twitter, BitBuckup, Google, GitLab, and GitHub will no longer work. We may bring these back in the future.
  • GitLab updates will now take a little longer as we have to patch the code each time.
  • Our goal with this change is to provide better service and security. Please hang tight with us as we go through these growing pains. We apologize for any inconveniences we cause.
  • If you have any problems or need help:
  • Twitter
  • Discord
  • IRC (Rizon & Freenode: #Sapphire)
  • Email

March Updates

We spent a lot of time during March trying to clean things up, reorganize, and working on our different areas of work for a major upcoming update release.

  • You may notice the domain we’re on for Sapphire is now changed. We wanted to have a more consistent name across, and so we changed the domain to match that consistency.
  • Sapphire is now incorporated as Sapphire Praxical LLC as of March 25th, 2017.
  • We’re planning on doing a soft launch of Sapphire Accounts around May 1st.
  • A post will be featured to show it off and talk about Sapphire Accounts more and how it will be a major dynamic for us.
  • Finances for Mixtape has been troubling. We aren’t getting enough donations in to meet our expenses. We’re running on minimum hardware needs and we can’t afford to drop another server.
  • We’re working on a new version of Mixtape to launch after Sapphire Accounts.
  • We’ve made major fundamental shifts in this project. Part of that shift was the branding and focus. The project, previous codenamed Spring, is now Tavrn is a social network targeted for gamers, artists, and content creators.
  • We’re aiming for a Twitter like (microblogging) social experience first and combining that with features for people who play games, like to share their experiences, and allow devs to connect with players better.
  • We’ll announce more as things solidify. If you’re interested in trying the very early alpha of Tavrn, join our Discord.
  • TweetSave is having some backend problems. The backend is starting to not process requests fast enough. This may be related to the database size and the current hardware it is on.

If you’re like to join the discussion, join our Discord server: