December Update – Tavrn development, Sapphire Podcast, and more

December Update – Tavrn development, Sapphire Podcast, and more

What’s up everyone, it’s been a very busy month for us. We’re working hard and fast now on our projects, especially We’ve made a lot of progress in just the past month, even if we’ve been a little quiet on the blog. That mostly has to do with us talking a lot more on Sapphire Podcasts.

What I’ll be discussing in this blog post:

  • Tavrn and it’s development push
  • The Sapphire Podcast
  • Mixtape servers and resources
  • Upcoming revamps
  • Sapphire Developer Docs

Tavrn is currently in full force. Twitter has a new upcoming concerning update, releasing on December 18th, that is having many people scattering to alternatives. We’re shifting gears and working on Tavrn as much as we can to get it ready by December 18th.

You can also follow on Twitter @Tavrngg for continued updates on it’s development.

In the recent developments, we’ve also come up with Tavrn’s branding and themes. Please note that Tavrn is not made to compete against Twitter even if it will at the very least have it’s main functionality.


Deck is a web app for interfacing with Tavrn. It is based off of TweetDeck, a column based, power-user friendly web app for Twitter.

A video is supposed to be here but it is currently unavailable

Visual concept of a TweetDeck like Ui for Tavrn called Deck

Want to be an early tester?

Join our Discord and go to our Tavrn channel and see how you can test Tavrn today. We need testers to report issues and bugs they encounter while using Tavrn so we can make it better.

The Sapphire Podcast

We’ve started a podcast series recently. Every Saturday at 6:30PM EST / 3:30PM PST, we go live on We use the time to talk about things going on with our projects, talk about major tech news, and answer questions for anyone tuning in. We also use it as a way to catch up and discuss things as a team and anyone can see tune in and see some of the stuff we discuss as a team for our projects.

Mixtape Servers and Resources

Many of you have probably noticed some speed issues on some Tracks. We’ve been maxing out some of our bandwidth pipelines on some servers and we’re currently expanding our server resources to handle all the traffic, provide better caching for the storage server, and speed things up quite a bit more.

We care about speed a lot, and that’s probably one of the biggest reasons you use We’re doing our best to provide the best speed with the resources we have physically and financially. We’re going through some extremely painful growing pains.

Upcoming Revamps

We’re working on major revamps of and

Sapphire Developer Docs

We’re finally building and fleshing out a new area of the site, the Developer Docs! We’re working hard to make a nice looking, organized, and centralized location for all our project repos, APIs, and documentations. With Tavrn getting pushed forward, we needed to also provide crucial API documentation on Tavrn and it’s backend systems for developers to use and build stuff to interact with Tavrn. We’ll have all the information we can provide about our projects and sites in one place. We hope you’ll enjoy them when we finally release this.

That’s all we got for now, thanks for stopping by and reading this update!

Join us in our Discord and follow our social media pages: